News And Updates!

5,4,3,2... 12/25/12

Merry​​ Christmas everyone! Tommorow we'll blow up our old spawn, release our new IP (brought to you by Fatality Hosting) and make our server 24/7, dedicated, and just plain AWESOME! See you tommorow!!!
Happy New years everyone! If you did not play on the server yet then join! We are increasing players everyday, but if you already play then High Five because you can already see the server upgrading everyday! Also, you can now apply
for mod!

Whoopsy daisy?... 1/20/13
 Uhhh. Well. As you probably know, I got myself temporarilily banned​ for 2 days because I was mad at
​RussianGun13 (RUSHKIE). Well, I'm sorry for what I did, but on the bright side, at least it proved we aren't afraid to ban anyone if they inflict harm to the server. Hope you guys are doing well!  -Mrman1513